The Real RVL Reveal

Welcome to my new weight-loss blog! I have started a new product called RVL (pronounced: Reveal). It has more nutritional value per calorie than ANY other weight-loss product on the market. I am starting this blog, to keep tabs on myself, and to keep anyone interested informed. Keep checking back regularly (FOLLOW ME) for updates. If you are just joining in... scroll down to the bottom to start at the beginning of my journey.

Friday, January 7, 2011

We have a problem!

I did my unofficial weigh-in today, and found to my delight, that I am one pound down from last weeks unofficial weight. Better yet, and much more to the point, I am down 2.5 lbs from January 2nd. My goal tonight is to get to the lowest recorded weight at TOPS: 153. With home scale stating 153.2, this shouldn't be too much to ask.

So what's my problem? My clothes are starting to get too big already! Why is this a problem? Because now I have to go to my favorite consignment store, LOUMEDEES and buy me a whole pile of new-to-me clothes! No worries, though... Because I have a ton of gorgeous Jockey Person to Person Wear too big for me (and hardly worn) that I can consign to her! Win-win!

My friend Deb once said her wish is to be able to wear anything in her closet. Pull out any garment, and it magically fits. A lot of women (most) actually only fit about 5% of their wardrobe. "Oh, one day I'll fit that" doesn't really work. By the time it fits, IF IT FITS,  it is so out of date, that you don't look as stunning as you should. Some things never go out of style mind you... but KNOW that... don't GUESS that.  You don't want peope to avoid complementing you on your amazing weight-loss because they don't know how to phrase: "Wow, you look better than Jane Fonda did in those spandex"... Trust me... I know this from experience. 

So... who's been waiting???  Have you been reading my blather with baited breath, waiting for my official results?  LOL   Official weigh-in was tonight.   Have to tell you, as mentioned previously, that last official weigh-in was BEFORE New Year's Eve... and I was BAD on New Year's Eve... but as of the 2nd, I've been very diligent. (wow, I can't find spell check on the new do forgive!)

I LOST THREE POUNDS!!!!  Woot! WOOT!  I figured at least two pounds, as I could feel MY HIP BONES last night (A body part I haven't felt for AT LEAST six years!!!)  but THREE?  Rock On!   I am now offically at my lowest weight since 2005ish   151.5...  wow.

Even before we had kids... The first time I joined WW (not to be confused with my first go-round with Jenny and NS...I actually have no record of their starting weight from years before) I weighed 159 lbs.   And I thought I was a COW!  (later I might tell you how I felt about myself about being 130... after being 105 six months earlier....  Do you REALLY want to go there? My world is a sad and sick world! LOL)  So there you go. I've been MUCH higher (in weight...are you following this?) in my life, but only once in the last 15 years have I been this 'low'.

I am (for the first time in a long time) sleeping well at night, I am practically chomping at the bit to work out when ever the time permits, and I have not been hungry 'specially when once I have my wee' bit o' bar that is a part of the program...(yet sometimes don't even bother, because I am just not hungry at all....)   Oh yeah.... and I have HIP BONES!  LOL

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