The Real RVL Reveal

Welcome to my new weight-loss blog! I have started a new product called RVL (pronounced: Reveal). It has more nutritional value per calorie than ANY other weight-loss product on the market. I am starting this blog, to keep tabs on myself, and to keep anyone interested informed. Keep checking back regularly (FOLLOW ME) for updates. If you are just joining in... scroll down to the bottom to start at the beginning of my journey.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Listening to the Voices

I may have just finally found out why I sometimes keep waking up early and not being able to get back to sleep over the past few years... It's usually when there is a busy day ahead, so I fight it and lie back in bed trying to catch a few extra 'Zeees'. My brain is awake, but fights to stay quiet. Ugh! I am NOT a morning person! I HATE mornings! So why does this keep happening? Well, this morning on awaking early, I was lying there, thinking of all the things I had to do today, and the fact that yesterday had been just as full. No time to work out on the treadmill. One missed day, fine... But two in a row? I have been down THAT road before, and it has a slippery slope!

So my brain, the same one (I'm assuming) that has been trying to convince me to ignore the waiting world and fall back on the pillow, snuggle back into the hubby, said quietly: "why don't you just get up now and do it?" WHAT? Wide awake now, but trying again to ignore such silly notions and cram in another half hour of sleep before the alarm goes off, it does it again: "just do a 20 minute one... You'll be done by the time your alarm is supposed to go off"

My hubby snores, and I roll over. Well, I'm not getting back to sleep NOW! He'll keep doing that the rest of the morning. FINE. I turn off my alarm, sneak out and grab some workout clothes from the clean laundry, still on the dining room table (hmm, was my sub-conscious aware yesterday, thus not making me put my laundry away so I could find clothes in the dark???) Go down and yup, exercise! Just a 20 minute one. Granted it was a tough one, but when I was finished, I felt GREAT! We'll see how my energy level stays today.

Yesterday was my first day back to work in two weeks. It was the first time that I 'needed' to drink an eMVlite (healthy energy drink) in awhile. The RVL has been keeping me energized all day... Mind you, I hadn't had to keep up with a handful of toddlers! LOL

Speaking of the RVL (LOL) today is the official launch! I am actually quite excited! I started this blog to keep tabs on the pros and cons of this product. To be quite honest, I haven't found very many cons. It's easy, it's convenient, I'm not hungry, I'm not craving, I'm losing weight at a healthy rate (some are losing faster! But ALL are losing!) it's tasty, it's cheaper than all the diets I've been on before (see previous posts for that info! $364. in food related savings last month!) it's energizing and it's got the potential to get me a bit of pocket money! On the side panel in white are three links. Buy now, join now and learn more. Click the bottom one for more info, or message/call me. This is going to be huge! Why NOT lose weight AND get a bit of cash in it's wake? Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

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