The Real RVL Reveal

Welcome to my new weight-loss blog! I have started a new product called RVL (pronounced: Reveal). It has more nutritional value per calorie than ANY other weight-loss product on the market. I am starting this blog, to keep tabs on myself, and to keep anyone interested informed. Keep checking back regularly (FOLLOW ME) for updates. If you are just joining in... scroll down to the bottom to start at the beginning of my journey.

Sunday, January 22, 2012


I had an epiphany while working out today! As stated in a previous post, there is a mirror mounted on the wall at an angle in front of the treadmill so hubby can watch TV while working out. As I am a music listener I am stuck staring at my own image for the duration of my workout. Motivation in itself to lose weight, as my face shows my weight quickly. Sometimes, I enjoy what I see. As I am a representative of Jockey Person to Person, my workout gear is always matchy-match (would it be any other way??) right down to the runners. My jewelry is either Erin Miller or Silpada... Either way, beautiful. I focus on my necklace bouncing across my newly found shoulder blades and chest bone, and ignore the hereditary jiggling jowls... Today it hit me: In the "FEEL GOOD ABOUT MYSELF" market, I have you covered BEFORE, DURING & AFTER! A good workout doesn't NEED good clothes, but for me it is a first step to 'getting into the zone'... It does need good shoes (unless it's yoga... Then it's the other way around!) but working out in your hubby's oversized t-shirt does not instill good feelings about your body! My Mona-Vie RVL offers me the energy I need to get off the couch. I actually WANT to work out! I look forward to it. My cheating has been way low, meaning my self esteem has been higher (from not lying to myself!) so many other great factors with the RVL! I can't believe I stopped. (why the heck did I stop??? Oh right... 'The competition'. Bad choice on my part. Glad I'm back on track.) The jewelry? When you start to FEEL good about yourself, you want to LOOK good as well! I started putting on make-up again. Dressing nicer. Frumpy clothes: bye bye! Jockey P2P helps me with that, too... They carry some lovely coordinating outfits. LOUMIDEES, a local consignment store, as well! She has helped me SO much with fashion (as has my BFF, Tina!). Time to look the part. Walk the walk! So there it is! For feeling good inside and outside, I have you covered BEFORE, DURING & AFTER! One stop shopping! Hehehe.

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