The Real RVL Reveal

Welcome to my new weight-loss blog! I have started a new product called RVL (pronounced: Reveal). It has more nutritional value per calorie than ANY other weight-loss product on the market. I am starting this blog, to keep tabs on myself, and to keep anyone interested informed. Keep checking back regularly (FOLLOW ME) for updates. If you are just joining in... scroll down to the bottom to start at the beginning of my journey.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Birthday or Pizza?

So, I can't really blame my birthday party last night for my weight gain of 1/4 lb, as my morning scale read 153.8... almost 3 lbs down from last weeks home weigh-in.  So why am I up at tonight's official weigh-in?  One word: Pizza.  Home-made pizza to be exact, with artichoke, feta, mozzarella, tomatoes, and fresh basil... OMG!  I just HAD to!  I was at a friend's house, and I even wrapped my pizza up to take home for after the weigh-in.   It was too tempting, though!  I unwrapped it and snarffed those puppies down just before weigh-in!  LOL  So, let's just go by my home scale, this week, shall we? L  I also took measurements, which I have posted.  I think even after a few days of camping and no treadmill, THOSE numbers speak for themselves!  I am consistently losing.  Cool.

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve, and we are in the city. I will take my shaker with me, and have my snack ready, so I don't cheat.  In-laws are having Chinese Food.  That isn't a salad.  Hmmmm.  I will have to be diligent, and stay away from the fried foods.  Make good choices.  I think, even though it is 10:18, I may work out tonight... and again tomorrow morning.  LOL  Ugh!  Stupid time to start a new eating plan!

I am having a RVL Reveal party on January 2nd!  Anyone interested in coming to see how much I have lost, and are interested in losing some weight yourself, PLEASE come and join me from 1:00 to 2:00.  Bekki will also be there.  I'll even have wine, although that defeats the purpose! LOL  E-mail me for details!

1 comment:

  1. You go girl :) I've had sometime to read your whole blog tonight, It really talked talked to me! I feel so much better reading this, you and I are so much a like. You've put what I've been feeling into words for me to read. Thanks for sharing <3 BTW I was looking forward to thursday all week, It's nice to have sometime just for me away from the hubby and children!
    Love Christie XOXOXO (looking forward to reading more)
